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What happens if my house fails an EICR?

If your EICR grades your installation is ‘Unsatisfactory’ the areas of concern will be clearly categorised as follows:

  • C1 – Danger present. Risk of injury. Immediate remedial action required
  • C2 – Potentially dangerous – Urgent remedial action required
  • C3 – Improvement recommended
  • FI – Further investigation required without delay

If you have any C1 and C2 observations they have to be rectified before the installation can be described as ‘Satisfactory’ and the EICR essentially passed.

Anything marked as FI is an area that is not covered by the EICR but the electrician observed something that requires further investigation.

You will need to deal with C1, C2 and FI faults to be compliant with electrical safety regulations. It is good practice to rectify all faults highlighted on the report. It’s important to note that you do not have to use the same electrical contractor to complete any remedial action. You also don’t need to completely re-test the whole installation after the repairs have been carried out. Be sure to obtain a certificate for each part of your installation that has been repaired or replaced.

Category C3 is something that has been identified as non-compliant with the latest regulations but is not dangerous.
